
The Nature of News

1. The Huffington Post
Among the things the site does especially, The Huffington Post does an extraordinary job of examining conflict. In their article about Joe Biden and gun control, their reporting focuses on the ongoing fight over gun control following the shooting at Sandy Hook. The struggle between Democrats and Republicans is on display, and the article is even paired with a slideshow of Biden's opposition. For fans of novelty, Huffington Post isn't for you. On their front page, there is only one story relatively close to novelty.

2. New York Times
The New York Times is one of the nation's most primary advocates of impact. Their stories are always focused on how people in the country, New York and around the world are being affected by current events. For example, their article on the flu outbreak in the U.S gives plenty of information that is useful to normal citizens in America on how to stay safe from the flu. They also examine prominence in magnificent fashion. One of their top stories today is about Junior Seau's brain disease , something that wouldn't be discussed if Seau was a normal businessman in a small town.

3. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
For starters, the Post-Gazette is timely. In their article about Fort Pitt Boulevard today, they report a story that affects the entire city of Pittsburgh at 6 PM, a time that hasn't even come yet. Nobody would care if the Boulevard was closed three years ago. In the same fashion, the outlet capitalizes on proximity. If someone had missed their hearing in Austin, Texas, no one from the paper's primarily-Pittsburgh audience would read.

4. Pro Publica
Pro Publica thrives on accuracy. For instance, in their piece on drone strikes, they include hyperlinks to every source, verifying every single fact. When they make declarative statements, they provide more than enough evidence to justify their stance. Novelty can't be found on the website, though. They only publish stories about the most serious, important topics, and cannot be relied on for stories about funny happenings around the country.