I had to stop everything and blog about this, because it's truly a beautiful thing. A few hours ago, I read an article on Fox News about our generation being narcissistic with our use of social networking.
Well, what I have witnessed tonight is quite the contrary.
An hour ago, a friend of mine, Nikki, posted this on Facebook:
I didn't think too far into it, of course, as she always posts kindhearted things (she's truly a good person.)
But what about hundreds and hundreds of people joining in support?
When I loaded Twitter, that's what I saw. The hashtag, #Prayers4Falcones, was being circulated. First, by a few friends. Then, by everybody.
And now, trending in Pittsburgh.
Wow. I am speechless. At lightning speeds, my peers, and everyone in the city of Pittsburgh, are trying to make a family's day a little less painful. To know that an entire city has your mother in their hearts and prayers has to be overwhelming.
Someone close to me has cancer, and I couldn't imagine losing them. I also can't imagine what the Falcones are feeling right now, but I hope that they can at least go to bed tonight knowing that so many are there for them.
Including me.