
My Favorite Song of All Time

Ask any of my friends- I'm not particularly good at making decisions.

And for some reason, everyone (and I mean everyone) continues to rely on me for, say, what to do that night. Or where to eat. Or when to leave. I just can't do it.

With that being said, I was asked again recently what my "favorite song of all time" is. All time. That's hard. Harder than hard, considering my 11 Spotify playlists (with nearly 50 songs on each) and nearly a decade of listening to music for a dozen hours each day.

Even harder than harder than hard, considering the stacks of CDs laying around my house, the $300 worth of songs purchased on ITunes and all those music reviews for the ol' high school newspaper.

I'm 18 years old. Let's say my interest in music began midway through my life. Nine years = 3,285 days. 1/8 of those days, approximately, were spent with headphones on. That's 591,300 minutes. Divide that by the rough four-minute average per song and you get...

147,825 songs.

Pick one of those and call it your "favorite of all time"? Nearly impossible.

Until I thought. And thought. And thought. And finally...This...

My favorite song of all time. That's it. To be honest, it wasn't as hard of a decision as I had imagined.

For three minutes, this song speaks volumes to me. I first heard it in middle school, on a field trip bus to god-knows-where, and I was motionless for the entire ride. Song on repeat. Volume all the way up. Ears in pain, but begging for more.

Since then, I get the same feeling when I listen to it, something I can say about few other other pieces of music. It reminds me of simpler times, free of obligations and worries. No need to personally relate to every single piece of music (a pet peeve of mine.)

I was 12 years old. Let's be honest- I had no idea what the song meant. Music doesn't need to be so complicated. I just loved it for what it sounded like. I loved it for its raw emotion. I loved how Martha's voice complemented Gary's so beautifully.

I loved how it made me feel, and I still do.