
Breaking a World Record: Street Light Interview

I don't know how it feels to break a world record. To be honest, I think I can eliminate all hopes of ever considering trying.

Now that that's been said, I got the privilege to speak a few words with Street Light, the rapper from Detroit who recently shattered the world record for longest freestyle rap. If you haven't seen it yet, it's incredible. I don't expect you to watch it in its entirety (you could watch yesterday's 19-inning Pirate game twice in the same amount of time), but a few verses won't hurt.

Even with his busy schedule, Street Light stopped by dentedfretboard.com to answer a few questions.

Q- What an accomplishment. How does it feel to have a world record under your belt?
A- It feels great! A bit surreal, even.

Q- I can't even spit two sentences with rhymes. What were you thinking during the freestyle and what kept you going?
A- I freestyle a lot, and it has become sort of a subconscious thing for me. I know that I'm rhyming, but my mind was focusing on topics, creativity, and trying not to repeat anything.

Q- What does your record prove about you?
A- I think the record just proves that I will give 100% to anything my mind is made up about. My determination and willpower have proven to be some of my strongest assets.

Q- Break a world record- done. What's next for you?
A- Next up: MIXTAPES & EP! Stay tuned.

Visit his website at www.streetxlight.com, follow him on Twitter @streetxlight, and be sure to like him on Facebook and grab his upcoming mixtapes! Congratulations on a once-in-a-lifetime accomplishment.